Tag Archives: Weight Loss

Cod Cheeks

When I was eating out earlier this week I noticed that one of the starters was Cod Cheeks which I had never heard of before.  On investigation I found that the meat comes from underneath the eye-socket of a Cod and that it is a great delicacy.  A good article with more information can be found here.

I didn’t have a starter and I had a fairly healthy main course ‘Char Grilled Chicken with Caesar salad’.  I was however tempted to lemon tart with raspberry sorbet and raspberries.  It was all very tasty 😉

Char Grilled Chicken

Weight Loss – Week 44

I wasn’t sure what my result would be this week. I ate out a couple of times and the choices weren’t brilliant, but I did my best under the circumstances. I did however eat lunch before I went on my trip to Dudmaston Hall so I wouldn’t be tempted by anything inappropriate 😉

I felt a little fat tonight but the results said otherwise…

In other news.  When I arrived at the meeting I was told that I was in charge of the sales table today due to a holiday absence by the regular sales table person.  :-O I don’t like being responsible for other people’s money…

On the plus side, it is nice that I was trusted with that responsibility 🙂  I was a little flustered on occasions, but it went OK with a little help from my friends 😉

Weight Loss – Week 44

Weight Loss – Week 43

Today was a bit of a messy day. It included sorting out complicated emergency requirements (at work) and meetings (at work) and a dentist appointment (at lunch time). I also seemed to get caught up in a strange time-warp. I left the office at 16.40 to arrive at Weight Watchers at 17.00. As I was parking my car outside the meeting place I noticed that the clock on my car said 15.57. I checked my watch and and it displayed the same time 15.57…

I had an hour to spare, so what did I do? I read the book I was carrying in my bag, it is called ‘Mapping Time‘. The truth is always stranger than fiction 😉

Weight loss… The graph speaks for itself.

Weight Loss - Week 43