Tag Archives: Snow

Newcastle – Day Two – PM

The Hotel Vermont

A few minutes after I had settled down into the warmth I spotted JD arriving and being intercepted by the Concierge who, from conversations the previous night, I had realised had a wonderfully dry sense of humour 🙂

JD and I sat and chatted for a while and he gave me his painting of the ‘Cherry Pie Tree‘, which was inspired by a photo I had taken near to Flodden Field in 2009 ( I love the painting 🙂 ).  We then ventured out into the sunshine, which had overcome the sudden drop in temperature that had hastened me back to the hotel.  We took a leisurely stroll through the town to the frame shop to take his  latest painting in to be framed.  After careful consideration and with assistance from the  lovely Becky a suitable frame was chosen.

We then strolled back through town to the Cathedral for a cup of tea and more conversation.  The Cathedral tea shop closed so JD and I made our way back to the hotel and its temporary reception area to wait for Mr C to return from his day at work.  I enjoyed our pleasant afternoon together.

Eventually I had to start my long trip back to the Midlands.  Mr C and I decided to have a slight detour for a cup of tea rather than chance Leeming Bar again.  We headed for Mainsgill Farm which also gave us the opportunity to say hello to Kevin the camel!  He wasn’t immediately visible but then he was spotted inside and cosy with his back to us.  Then suddenly when he sensed our presence, he started parading around his accommodation, what a poseur he is 😉

After the welcome cup of tea we continued on the long journey south accompanied by the alarming alert “Severe weather forecast tomorrow” on the neon signs displayed at regular intervals on all the motorways as we traveled home.

After the long journey back, take away fish and chips and a glass of wine were quite welcome and refreshing.

And then it started to snow

PS: Thank you JD I had a wonderful afternoon 🙂

Newcastle – Day Two – AM


I rose at an ungodly hour to have breakfast with Mr C before he left to deliver his training course.  I had a little bit of a giggle whilst the receptionist was trying to call a cab for Mr C. The surname is quite incomprehensible ‘up north’. I proffered the suggestion, just ask for ‘M’ it worked 😉  It reminded me of another memorable occasion in the Toon when two rooms had been booked and because the surname was so unusual one of the rooms ended up being cancelled, but that is another story…

I then asked where the nearest cash point was so I could pay for my lunch and headed there before exploring ‘Old Newcastle’ including the castle keep, bridges, Cathedral, and the Black Gate.

I had an early lunch in the Cathedral where I was pleased to see that cherry scones were on offer. Very tasty they were too 😉

After my lunch I walked up Grey Street which was unfortunately almost completely shrouded in scaffolding!  As I walked up the street a paramedic and ambulance arrived making me wonder if there had been an industrial accident. The two vehicles were still there after I had strolled up through the shopping area and through the Central Arcade…

As I walked back in the direction of the hotel the temperature dropped quite considerably and it was quite a relief to get back into the warmth of the Hotel (in the temporary reception area) where I had arranged to meet up with JD.

A Bit of Snow

Inclement Weather

It seems the signs displaying on the motorway on my way home from Newcastle on Thursday were correct. After I arrived home it started snowing and it has hardly stopped since then! Luckily it is thawing almost as quickly as it is snowing so the snow hasn’t got very deep.

These photos were taken shortly after it started snowing on Thursday evening.

Piling Up