Tag Archives: Mobile Phone Pic

Lunchtime Hassles

Just Me :-)I thought it would be a nice change to pop up to the local town centre during lunchtime today so that I could get something interesting for my lunch and also dinner this evening.  I specifically remembered not to take the route where the roadworks were so that I didn’t get delayed.  I was able to park easily and make my way to M&S where I chose my lunch quite quickly.  It took me a little longer to choose and evening meal but that is because I was trying to combine healthy with interesting and the meals were in two separate places.  Eventually I plumped, made my way to the till and paid.

I was doing quite well for time until I got to the ticket machine.  I was struggling with my bags and purse and the ticket didn’t go in the machine properly the first time.  I tried again and the machine gobbled the ticket just as I looked up and noticed on the visual display ‘machine out of order please use another machine‘.  The ticket was stuck and the intercom line engaged!  Eventually I got to talk to someone  who told me that the machine was jammed and that someone was already on the way to sort it out.  I waited and told several other shoppers who came to use the machine what was going on.  I was also able to direct them to the nearest ticket machine, which is actually right back by the shops.  I waited a little more and told more shoppers what was going on…

Suddenly the intercom buzzed at me, I was told that the person who was coming to assist had got delayed and that I should get into my car and make my way to the exit, then ring the intercom from there!  Which I did and was let out of the car park.

Phew I had escaped eventually.  Perhaps the moral of the story is I should have stayed at work and read my book as usual?

One of Those Days!

Colourful DisplayIt has definitely been one of those days. This morning my printer wasn’t working, the light was on but nothing was happening! I fiddled around with the leads and ran some tests but it was staying offline. On closer inspection I realised that after my last minute visitors had vacated the room the other day, I had plugged the cable back into the wrong socket!!

Once that was sorted I was able to print out my two T-Mobile accounts to take into the T-Mobile shop so that I could change them to more suitable options.  I thought this would be easier than trying to sort it out over the phone.  Unfortunately after waiting for about 10 minutes because all the staff were busy I got Mr Disinterested.  In answer to my first query he told me that I would need to phone customer services (they usually do that for you in the shop).  My second query involved changing a pay as you go phone to a sim only contract.  I was told I couldn’t keep my phone number unless I transferred it to a different network and back, which sounded absolutely ludicrous to me.  I did query his remarks but he remained unhelpful.

I returned home and phoned customer services which wasn’t easy either.  On my first attempt I ended up in one of those automated call loops so I hung up and started again.  Eventually I got through and although I had to speak to two different departments, everyone was extremely helpfull and explained all the options to me.  I am still however awaiting the sim update that was supposed to arrive within a few minutes…

Then on top of that just before the evening meal one of Mum’s friends phoned in a bit of a flap because Mum’s phone had been engaged all day.  So I had to go and investigate much to Mum’s surprise.  The phone was obviously having one of it’s quirky moments.

Now I am relaxing with a glass of wine and before you ask, yes it is allowed 😉

Testing Mobile Email to Flickr to Blog

It has taken me several weeks to get the email working on my mobile phone. I had to resort to going into the T-mobile shop in the end. They had just as much trouble setting it up as I did…

Below is a photo from a nice relaxing Friday evening.

100 Photos 20 :: Transport

100photos2I got myself organised early this morning because my car was due for it’s service and I had to drop it off at the garage.  Then somehow I got into autopilot mode and drove straight past the garage heading off towards my workplace.  When I came to my senses I did a quick detour at the next roundabout and tried not to feel stupid.

As part of the service they will drop you off at a convenient local place, which saves the effort of trying to get some other form of transport to wherever you want to go.  Very few buses go to my workplace so it saved me a lot of hassle.

When I turned on the ignition after  I had got the car back one of those irritating alarm bells was bonging at me and I noticed they hadn’t removed the maintenance warning from the dashboard display.  This meant that I had to go back inside to get a mechanic to come out and reset it for me.  Then on the way home I noticed that the clock was now set at the wrong time!!!  What a good job I am not a technaphobe and I know how to read instruction manuals!

They do however seem to have found a car underneath the layer of dirt that had accumulated after the rain.  In fact I rather get the feeling they were trying to turn it into a mirror.

Freshly Waxed


…Last night my father passed away and now he is at rest.

When I left the hospital after visiting time there was the beginnings of a beautiful sunset. As I drove home the sunset turned into something quite spectacular and special, I was able  to see it in my rear view mirror as I travelled home.

As the evening twilight fades away the sky is filled with stars invisible by day.
