Tag Archives: Memories

The Tree of Light

Tree of Light

It is that time of year again for the Rotary Clubs annual ‘Tree of Light‘, where people are invited to sponsor a light on the tree in memory of a loved one, or a cause that is dear to them. The monies that are raised are given to various charities, the choices are different each year.  Telford Hospice, Telford and Wrekin Young carers, Headway Shropshire and Alzheimer’s Society are the 2013 choices for my local Rotary clubs.

The name and symbolism of the ‘Tree of Light’ reminds us that there can be light and hope even in bleak circumstances.  The main aim of the ‘Tree of Light’ is to serve the public and the community which is at the heart of the Rotary organisation whose motto is ‘service above self”.

This post is in memory of my father, you can find a more detailed post about the ‘Tree of Light’ and why it means so much to me here.


Memory Candles

I am aware of why I first started blogging and the initial posts I made, but I am not sure why recently I felt the urge to find out what year that was, it turned out to be 2007.  My first blog post was not very interesting but it was the beginning of a journey…

My World
I thought I would change the layout of the ‘My World’ page on my website. That page was always intended to add random thoughts and current topics. But the way it was laid out didn’t really allow for this which meant that after I created the page it just languished there without any new comments.

I think this will be a much better way to add these sort of things, I hope you like it! I have added a few images I have taken this year just to give it a bit of interest to start off with 🙂

I was going to style it so it looked more like the rest of the pages, but I thought leaving it the way it is might be a bit easier on the eye!

There have been some difficulties along the way, those difficulties have been overshadowed by the friends I have made and the ‘meeting of minds’.

My first commenter from the Blogging world was Jams on something I was passionate about.   The blog took over and I haven’t updated my webpage for many a year…  I am still (mostly) enjoying my blog journey…

Today is my 6th Blogiversary so I light a celebratory candle, the candle is also in memory of my friend Jams.

52 Photos Project – Gallery 37 – Softly Fade Away

Fade Away

This week’s prompt was “Leaving one year behind and going into the next“.

The last few years have always presented difficulties for me even though I have always cast out the old year with it’s problems and tried to bring in more positive outcomes for the incoming New Year.

This year for some reason I felt quite different over the Christmas/New Year period and I still feel quite different despite some complications and irritations that re-surfaced over the Christmas period and into the New Year.

This photo was taken on a failed mission to deliver Christmas presents three years ago on Christmas Eve. It was the last Christmas I spent with my father before he passed away.

The memory of visiting that lake shrouded in mist always brings a smile to my face 🙂

More photos on the theme can be found here.

The Tree of Light

Tree of Light

We are now on the count down to Christmas and I am wondering where the year has gone…

I am also reminded of the Rotary Clubs annual ‘Tree of Light“, where people are invited to sponsor a light on the tree in memory of a loved one, or a cause that is dear to them.  The monies that are raised are given to various charities, the choices are different each year.

The name and symbolism of the ‘Tree of Light’ reminds us that there can be light and hope even in bleak circumstances.  The main aim of the ‘Tree of Light’ is to serve the public and the community which is at the heart of the Rotary organisation whose motto is ‘service above self”.

You can find a more detailed post about the ‘Tree of Light’ and why it means so much to me here.