Tag Archives: Kent

52 Photos Project – Gallery 52 – Self Portrait


I have really enjoyed my ‘part year’ in the 52 photos project and I am looking forward to starting the next round of challenges from the beginning.  Thank you Bella 🙂

The final photo in this round is a self portrait. For several reasons I haven’t been inspired to take a self portrait over the last few months and the last few weeks have been rather hectic…  So I delved into my ‘fairly recent’ archives to find a suitable photograph for the theme.

See the gallery for more ‘self portraits‘.

52 Photos Project – Gallery 35 – Roads I Travel

The prompt for this weeks gallery was ‘roads i travel’.

I always try to find the road that leads me to light, understanding and happiness.

Finding that road is always a challenge…

More inspiration can be found in the ‘roads i travel’ gallery.

Autumn is in the Air


As I headed to work this morning the rain was torrential and there were rivers of water on the road and there was a distinct autumn feel to the air.  I noticed on my short walk from the car park to my office building that the leaves on the trees now had slight autumnal hues whereas on Friday they were completely green.  Some of the leaves had fluttered to the ground and I managed to enjoy the view despite the rain.

The back of my skirt got absolutely soaked as I made that short walk and when I arrived at my building I found that the office was freezing.  Many people were still wearing their coats so I knew it must be bad. It was so cold my skirt didn’t dry out until around lunch time.  Most unpleasant!

Although I am very fond of autumn I can’t help wondering what happened to summer?  I seem to have blinked and missed it.

Architecture 100 :: 11 – Knole House

The home of the Sackville-Wests:


The house is now in the care of the National Trust; however, the Trust only owns the house and about 43 acres (170,000 m2) of the park. Considerably more than half the house is still home to the Sackville-Wests. Lord Sackville and his family still own the gardens and the rest of the surrounding estate. As a walled garden, Knole’s is very large, at 26 acres (30 including the ‘footprint’ of the house),[citation needed] and indeed is large enough to have the very unusual — and essentially mediaeval — feature of a smaller walled garden inside itself. It contains many other features from earlier ages which have been wiped away in most country-house gardens: like the house, the garden has not been assiduously kept up-to-date with changing fashions over the centuries. These include clair-voies, a patte d’oie and even some bosquet hedges.

Dover and the Bronze Age Boat

Last year on one of my trips to Kent, there was just enough time (before catching the train home) to visit the Dover museum where the Bronze Age boat is housed. It is a very interesting exhibition, but sadly I have no photos, it was a bit too dark.  The photos here were taken just outside the museum.

In September 1992, archaeologists from the Canterbury Archaeological Trust working alongside contractors on a new road link between Dover and Folkestone discovered the remains of a large wooden prehistoric boat thought to be some 3,000 years old, belonging to a period known to archaeologists as the Bronze Age.

It was a find of both national and international significance which will shed new light on early seafaring and woodworking skills in Northern Europe.

An interesting article on the finding and salvaging of the boat can be seen on the Current Archaeology website.

A Touch of Colour

Meeting Place

Street View