Tag Archives: Family

Lives of the First World War

British War Medal

It is my turn at Vision & Verb today.  My post is about a project launched by the Imperial War Museum (IWM). It is a digital memorial to record the life of every person who served in uniform or worked on the home front during World War One.  An ancestor of mine is listed on the site so I will be taking a small part in the project.  I invite you to join me there.

Vision and Verb

Happy New Year :-)

Happy New Year

I know our time zones are all different so midnight will bring in the New Year at different times for each of us.  But tonight, ‘New Years Eve’, as midnight  turns in the UK is the perfect occasion for me to raise my glass to friends, old and new, and also remembering absent friends.

CHEERS!! I raise my glass to you.  Thank you for sharing life’s journey with me, I hope that any troubles from 2013 will fade into distant memory and I wish you, your family and friends a happy, healthy and peaceful 2014.



Happy Birthday

Last weekend I had yet another mini break in Nottingham.  On this occasion it was to celebrate my brother becoming a certain age.  Hopefully he won’t be looking in on this post so I won’t get into trouble 😉

This one was and even more of a last minute arrangement than the previous mini break there. We arrived at the hotel late on Saturday afternoon with plenty of time to get ready to go out for the celebratory meal in a local Chinese Restaurant.  The food was delicious and so was the cake, although I only had half a very thin sliver of that.

On Sunday morning we called to visit my brother before setting of to visit Calke Abbey and have lunch before heading home.  In the morning the sunshine was glorious, but unfortunately it had turned to rain as we arrived at Calke Abbey.  This meant that the visit to the walled garden had to be called off.  Oh well, an excuse to visit again…

Home Alone…

…relaxing after yet another busy weekend!

Happy Birthday

I have had visitors to stay over the weekend.  I was doing a mad rush round getting the housework done before they arrived on Friday.  I didn’t quite get it finished because they arrived early.  We chatted for a while before ordering a Chinese takeaway for dinner after which we had a small family get together. The get together was in advance of my mum’s official birthday lunch (with family and friends) which followed on from last weeks birthday celebrations.  Following the lunch we took the scenic route (off road rallying springs to mind) to my Mum’s house where we spent the afternoon with her and stayed for tea which she had insisted on doing all by herself!!

We had a lazy start on Sunday and then set out for a ‘small’ lunch at Benthall Hall which turned out to be a very interesting place to visit.  I intend to go back when the gardens are more in bloom.  We were also told that the little church next door to the hall will be opening to the public later in the year, which is another reason to go back.  After the visit we returned home for a pre dinner sherry and a roast pork dinner.

I have spent today finishing off those jobs from Friday and reading.  A nice relaxing day 😉