Tag Archives: Brugge

PhotoHunt – Missing/Missed


There seem to be a few items of clothing missing for a plane journey and I am wondering what is inside the case… Well at least it looks like she hasn’t missed her flight 😉

Travelling Light

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

PS: Note the change of url to tnchick’s blog, it is now http://tnchicks.wordpress.com/

PhotoHunt – Free Week


PhotoHunt is a free for all this week so I shall use it as an excuse to show some last photos from Bruges. My description of the weekend is coming to a close and soon we will be on the ferry back home.

I love the fire in the reception area of the hotel that we stayed in.  It wasn’t working when we arrived but luckily it was due to it being cleaned and maintained and it was up and running again the next day.


Me by Another

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.