Kind Words

What a lovely website you have Cherie.

Mandy April 2014

Visiting is always a breath of fresh air…

lordsomber January 2014

I envy you for all your traveling – it sounds lovely! Your photos are beautiful – I enjoyed each one!

Carola December 2013

Nearly time for my second cup of coffee but not before looking at YOUR wonderful year of travel. thanks for taking me with you to fascinating places.  Here’s to more armchair travel thanks to you in 2014!

Honey December 2013

Thank you for your generous heart and taking us along on all your mini breaks and journeys. Something I thoroughly enjoy!

Ubermouth December 2013

Cherie- You not only bring light, you are light and a pure light at that. 🙂

Ubermouth December 2013

What Cherie tries to do is simply light a candle the darkness, and she does it quite well.

Chrysalis November 2013

CherryPie, I have just spend a pleasant while going through your Flickr collection. And what a pleasure it was. I live in a beautiful part of the world: very natural. But what you have on your doorsteps are the beautiful vistas created by men’s efforts that enhance nature. I miss those.Thank you for your hobby my dear.

Amfortas November 2013

I love all the pictures but especially the last one. You should be writing traveloques, Cherie!

Ubermouth August 2013

A window into a Nice Lady.Your site is beautiful. The things you show are beautiful. And inside Cherie….? Someone is seeing in there.

Amfortas July 2013

It was lovely talking with you earlier today and once again, thank you for being so knowledgeable and helpful.

Hope this is OK and once again, thanks for the great help and support.

Darren C

Delightful, as always, Cherry. Actually, maybe even more delightful this time around. HA!

Ginnie July 2013

And in that Mysterious Realm there is just SO much.

The power of photography, used like this in our most up-to-date communications is that we can show just how much is mysterious. Our ’science’ is doing as fine a job in showing us the deeply mysterious beneath the surface mysterious.

But it takes an eye that is open and a readiness to look.

Many thanks for showing this simple leaf, CherryPie.

Amfortas July 2013

Luvly photos…and on previous articles…I don’t know how you do it.

Altean January 2013

I scrolled through your posts; your pictures are fabulous again.

Astrid September 2012

You have some really good photos from this trip
when is the book being published?

JD September 2012

I am scrolling through your blog. Wonderful pictures again. I know I am more like a weekly visitor. But your blog is a wonderful place to visit and enjoy. Thank you.

Astrid July 2012

Love all your works, no matter how many times!

Bernard March 2012

I do enjoy visiting your site Cherie, it’s so interesting!

Diane October 2011

A good way to start any morning……the sound of Bach, the flavour of buttered toast and a beautiful pic from CP.

MTG September 2011

Your soul shines bright!

Jan September 2011

Yet be assured that every visit to your blog is a pleasure; whether it be in admiration of the images you captured, or in the attentive civility of your responses.

MTG September 2011

I wanted to add that your blog with the marvellous photos is already a Path to Happiness for you, and many people. Thank you with all my heart, Cherie, for sharing your fascinating life.

Claude July 2011

It’s wonderful that with a flick of my finger on this side of the world I can be at Cherie’s blog on the other side and visit places I’ve never ever seen. Love your photos, your thorough explanations and sense of humour – thank you for that

Janice January 2011

WOW, just WOW!What lense(es) do you use?

Anonomous August 2010

Great shot again, CP. This blog never disappoints me.

MTG June 2010

You are just lovely.

Stuart H May 2010

I truly, truly like you with all my heart, Cherie. You always have the right words for everything.

Claude January 2010

Two colourful, beautiful trees. Peace on earth seems to be elusive, alas! I guess not enough men of good-will. At least, we can work at it among us, spread love to family and friends, and include new people whenever possible. I’m so happy I met you CherryPie.:-)

Claudia December 2009

I am really proud of you and your achievments, you have turned out to be such a well rounded person.

EWJ (14th) December 2009

Ah, what an oasis, CherryPie. I never invite myself to tea served in delicate china without offering the advance apology for large clumsy hands.

MTG November 2009

Bloomin Norah!!!!! you could write a book on places to visit!!! I for one would pre order a copy…..great stuff CherryPie.

The Economic Voice November 2009

I just knew you’d do something beautiful.

James November 2009

It’s sung to the tune: “For he’s a jolly good fellow.” Wikipedia gives interesting facts about it when you click,”Malbrough s’en va-t-en guerre.” Never thought when I sang the folk song, at 6, that, one day, I would visit your fascinating blog, and see a pavilion built around Marlborough’s story. So much fun! Thank you.

Claudia November 2009

Sending you (& bear) virtual hugs, Cherie. Thank you for all you do on the blog: it is so generous.

Phidelm October 2009

……..there is something very special going on here……its better than anything I could read on a newspaper or watch on TV.Congratulations CherryPie your site is an one of a few watering holes in the sandy dunes of the world of blogging.Much love and respectRichard

The Economic Voice October 2009

Thanks, Cheryl. I was just looking at your blog; love your thoughts and photos. You have some interesting hobbies!

Helen P October 2009

I truly enjoy your posts, all the beautiful photos on Flick’r, and all the informations you offer, on various subjects, on the sidebar. Thank you very much for all I’m learning visiting you, and for your warm hospitality. My best wishes.

Claude September 2009

This is a guest post by Cherie [blogging as Cherry Pie at Cherie’s Place] and she illustrates a truism that not all the excellent bloggers have to be political.The apolitical sphere is quite large but the top bloggers there are not widely known by the politicos because the two generally don’t mix; however, Cherie’s name in that sphere is highly respected, so much so that when we set up Bloghounds, I went out headhunting for six of the best to join the team and I’m going to boast here now that Cherie was one of the prime catches.In real life, as in the blogging, she is a facilitator, coordinator, an administrator and a friend who keeps whatever she touches on the straight and narrow, with sheer common sense. Her eye for detail and for the way a post fits into the whole is inspiring – cast your eye down this post and that is typical Cherie.Enjoy …

James September 2009

My friend Ironside recommended your site and I must say I’m pleased I called across.Cherry Pie, your blog is a breath of fresh air. I’ve been so stuck in what I do that I’d almost forgotten what it’s like to see the lighter side of life.Please keep sharing the “rainbows and lollipops” of life 🙂

Sasha September 2009

Cherie, I was alerted to your site by John Hirst (JHL) and I just wanted to say how terrific it is.

Bob Piper September 2009

I have been an admirer of Cherrypie’s blog Cherie’s Place for a long time now. The problem is that I think I took her blog for granted, and it was not until this comment from Bob Piper in relation to the post below that my eyes were opened again “Cherie, I was alerted to your site by John Hirst (JHL) and I just wanted to say how terrific it is. I have some of the Sutcliffe prints on the wall in my study and they are stunning”.

JHL September 2009

@CherryPie_ Ta! I’m determined to drag our branch in to the 21st century. Your SAG inspired me to get an internet presence for the branch.

Dave_Plummer (pcs_euston) August 2009

Ha, CherryPie,I knew this would be challenging you.Even more seriously: Did I ever tell you are lovely? 🙂

Sean Jeating August 2009

What a gorgeous web site, Cherie.
I look forward to more of your beautiful photos and quotes-as ever.

Ubermouth May 2009

I would like to start with the lady who leaves me a comment most days- Cherie’s Place : CherryP seems to me to write interesting, intelligent and cogent blogs, interspersed with wit and an affinity with the “human race” the site design is calm and inviting, there is no ranting or bad language, and it tends to make you want to read more, and rudely I seldom leave comments for Cherrypie, but I enjoy her articles immensely and I am sure she knows I visit everyday.

Angus Dei Mar 2009

I hope it goes well for you. You are a great activist.

Ellee Seymour Feb 2009

Thanks for that…..looks great. You are working harder than me on all this stuff and really appreciate it…….you dont get enough credit.

H Feb 2009

Loving greetings to my number 2 Valentine. Have a romantic day 🙂

EWJ (14) Feb 2009

Good luck with your campaign, you are inspirational Cherry Pie.

Ellee Seymour Feb 2009

Cherie is a human dynamo who is always being asked to do last minute tasks in RL and who somehow manages to combine that with family, blogging and adminning. There are some people who are natural managers and she is one of them. Her blog is an oasis in a difficult week. Not only is her readership loyal to her but anyone else coming into contact with her soon feels that Cherie treatment.

James Higham Oct 2008